2601 Airport Drive, Suite 330

Torrance, CA 90505

I realized very quickly in my career that patients needed better protection and, after some time, I came across an old law the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (better known as “ERSA, I soon discovered how important this law was for my patients because it allowed them to appeal decisions that were made by their insurance companies. I called these appeals “ERSA Appeals and I began using them extensively for my patients. The result was not only happler patients, but patients who were better taken care of as well.

I know you may be frustrated with the way Insurance companies routinely underpay you for the services that you provide your patients The time is now to change your collection services to better serve not only yourself, but the people who depend on you for care. Become a patient advocate by utilizing ERISA appeals to make health insurance companies fulfil their obligations to your patients. Youcan prevent insurance companies from underpaying and/or denying their financial obligations to their participants-your patients.

I incorporated ERISA appeals in my surgical centers. My system works for me and works for countless numbers of my clients. My system protects my clients from arbitrary denials made by insurance companies on their claims-and it can protect yours from these denials, too.